I’m someone who likes to take a challenge
and turn it into something.

Super quick history

  • Studied Interface design at University

  • Started working in the early 00s as a web designer doing Design and Build

  • Photoshop, Flash, Nested tables, Netscape and manual release, all without a test plan

  • In more senior positions need to decide between frontend development and design

  • Design and UX won

  • Wireframing, Balsmaiq and paper prototyping became a standard

  • Built up skills in talking to users and looking at analytics to justify design decisions

  • Running workshops to refine requirements.

  • Focused on users' needs

  • New tools Sketch, MarvelApp, XD and Figma

  • Now living the design systems, Components library, Atomic structure lifestyle


Not including stakeholders from the start

Waiting too late to test on end users

Getting changes late in a project

Being told, I don’t get it

Feeling the pressure

Workshops, refinement and presentations

Breaking down tasks and prioritising

Feeling good when I get it right

Coming back
